
Y’all, I want you to meet Louis (Louie) Pecan.

He’s our first family pet.

We waited until the girls were 9 and 11 to take on the challenge of taking care of an animal.

1.5 months in and so far, so good.

He’s a Yorkie, in case you’re curious.

And he’s done a wonderful job of stealing our attention away from screens.

But, beyond the fact that he’s incredibly adorable, why mention him in a newsletter about newsletters?

Well, let me tell you about how he responds when the girls get home from school.

Most of us have witnessed or experienced a dog’s joy at his favorite person’s arrival, right?

This 3-pound ball of floof can hardly contain his excitement when he senses the school bus is near.

I’ve literally felt how intense his emotions run when he sees it pull close while holding him in my hands.

His heart races.

His tail twitches.

His entire body is restless with pure anticipation, and then, JOY, as a sweet reunion unfolds.

Goal: Send a newsletter that inspires even a fraction of this type of excitement upon arrival.

How? Talk to your ideal readers and find out what they really want and care about.

Earn their puppy love.

Ashley Guttuso  

Newsletter Tips




Is The Publishing Industry On The Right Trajectory?

Recent years have brought not only the newsletter surge, but also increased traffic, platform diversification, and fewer people doing more work. What will all of this mean for the future of publishing?


Curated News Curated News

How To Collect Links To Your Publication Via Email

Hey everyone, Seth with Curated here.

Did you realize Curated provides each user a secret email address you can use to collect links to newsletters?

Setting it up is easy.

  • Open Curated and choose the publication you want to collect links for (Yes, you can have as many newsletters as you want under one account, and each user has a secret email address for each newsletter they’re added to)
  • Click Collected Items in the top navigation bar
  • Click Learn How in the page subhead
  • Copy the email address under Collecting Links via Email
  • Go to your email platform and create a new contact with this email address
  • Name the contact the name of your publication

Now you can email links to your publication and they’ll be saved in your Collected Items.

Use cases: While the bookmarklet and Chrome extension are great for active link collectors, you may have less involved users who don’t actually write or edit content but like to send links along for consideration. Maybe team members or coworkers. It’s also great for collecting links while on your phone.


New to Curated? Make a copy of this Getting Started with Curated Checklist to help launch your newsletter (public, private, or paid).


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Like this newsletter?

Let me know. Reply, email me at Ashley[at], or find me on LinkedIn to hit me with some feedback. I’d love to know what you think.

Happy newslettering,

Ashley Guttuso