Brand Story Tip: You’re Trying To Say Too Much
Building or revising your brand story is challenging. Consider these insights:
Would You Let AI Do The First Pass At Your Marketing Strategy?
I know, I know.
Little AI focus going on this issue.
But this is interesting.
On TikTok, Rachel Woods shared how AI created a marketing strategy for her using and said it’s not a bad start. Now I kind of want to test it, too.
Is Your Marketing Budget Getting a Trim?
The results from a recent SALESmanago survey of 250 CMOs reveal you’re not alone.
Not only are 74% of CMOs facing cuts to their marketing budgets, but there seems to be a disparity in what CEOs and marketers find important.
“The findings revealed that despite what we have learned in previous recessions, 40% of respondents said they still struggle to prove the ROI of marketing to the CEO and moreover, 63% think marketing could be leaner (more optimised). A worrying prospect when – at the same time – 42% of marketers think customer loyalty will drop in the next 12 months.”
Read more results and insights from Duncan MacRae.
Discovered via Raisin Bread.
Traditional marketing tactics can feel… old. But what if they’re just mature?
Emily Noel reports that these 3 (somewhat) older marketing tactics are making a comeback (with a few updates):
I don’t get much direct mail, but I’ve not experienced a lull in publishing blogs or receiving cold emails.
While I may not agree that blogs were ever out of style, I enjoyed the way Emily structured this article, the bits about how these tactics can be updated for 2023, and the success stories she included for each “comeback.”
Discovered via Social Media Today.
Your Homepage Copy Shouldn’t Be Confusing
When people arrive at your homepage, can they easily identify what it is you do/offer?
Make sure you’re not just assuming they do by frequently interviewing prospects in your ICP about what they think the copy means (without leading them to say what you want to hear).
Additionally, follow Emily Kramer’s 6 steps for creating effective homepage copy (it’s a Twitter thread).
Recession Marketing
This week’s unplanned theme:
What to do in a recession?
These insights could help you prepare:
Mobile Marketing: Mada Seghete shares advice for mobile marketing in an economic downtime, including insights on customer behavior, discounts, and ROI in her 14-minute talk.
Marketing Focus: Instead of jumping straight to budget cuts, Tyler Hartsook lists 5 ways to change your marketing focus when times get tough.
KPIs: Bryan Karas shares which KPIs to care about and why they can help to fortify your business.
Putting Together A Paid Social Strategy?
Jonathan Bland explains 4 content “buckets” you can create to execute it. They include
Details (plus a helpful infographic) here.
Single-product Company VS Multi-product Company Positioning
April Dunford, positioning pro and author of Obviously Awesome, says it breaks it down like this:
For a single-product company, your company positioning equals product positioning.
Once you grow to become a multi-product company, you have some choices to make. She walks through some examples of how it can be done—including a cascade approach, a suite approach, and a lead product approach—here.
My takeaway: There is danger in overcomplicating positioning.
How do you know if you’re charging the right price?
“You have the right price when people complain, but they still buy.”
MJ Peters explains how to get there in this LinkedIn post.
The Future Of Social Media Marketing
What will social media marketing look like in 2023? Here are 32 of Andrew Hutchinson’s best predictions. They’re broken down by platform, which is handy.
Discovered via Brand MVP.