
Have you created a newsletter creation workflow that keeps you on track?

Here’s my weekly curation process:

1) I follow keywords using good old-fashioned Google Alerts, scan them once a week, and collect any headlines that seem like they might serve you, a newsletter creator.

2) I subscribe to newsletters from people/companies who create and share content. I scan them once a week (in a separate mailbox) and collect any headlines that seem like they might serve you, a newsletter creator.

3) I use automations to collect links to articles from people/companies who consistently produce quality content that might serve you, a newsletter creator.

4) I use a similar automation to collect links to new content from YouTube channels and podcasts created by people/companies who consistently produce quality content that might serve you, a newsletter creator.

5) If I read something on social media or in my day-to-day life that might be a good fit, I collect the link because I think it might serve you, a newsletter creator.

6) I use Curated (yes, a brand I market—this newsletter is intended to show you how it can be used) to review those links I've collected to it and import the ones that seem the most relevant into the next issue. Some were already categorized into the sections they fit into as I collected them, some need categorizing.

7) I look at the mix of content for each section, dive into each piece, and reorder them within my established topic categories based on how well each one will serve you, a newsletter creator.

8) I delete the ones that fall short of serving you, a newsletter creator.

9) I then force myself to do more rounds of cuts until I have only the best.

10) I write my commentary for the pieces that made it through the last round of curation. The prompt for that commentary is "This piece of content will serve a newsletter creator well because..." I write my intro, subject, and preview text last.

Let me know if this is anything like your own workflow or helps you with yours. I’m always looking for ways to improve it.

And, yes, it is Friday. Thank you for noticing that I changed my send day (just for this crazy week!).

Shall we proceed to the part where I share the best stuff I found?

Ashley Guttuso  

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Newsletter Tips





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Curated News Curated News

ICYMI: You can always check our Curated Public Product Roadmap to catch up on recent releases and find out what’s up next.

Don’t want to click through? Our recent bigger releases include Paid Subscriptions and a Free Tier.


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Let me know. Reply, email me at Ashley[at], or find me on LinkedIn to hit me with some feedback. I’d love to know what you think.

Ashley Guttuso