Ask Yourself These 12 Questions
Why do you want to be a creator? Josh Spector encourages creators to not only ask themselves this question, but to ask 11 others as well. This week’s Opt In Challenge is to take some time to read through the 12 questions and answer as honestly as possible.
Discovered via For the Interested.
Your challenge this week is to stay out of the spam folder. Folderly’s Vladislav Podolyako shares some high-level tips to improve your newsletter’s deliverability here. Check it out and make sure you’re taking the proper precautions.
Discovered via Really Good Emails.
Get Discovered: Submit Your Newsletter
The Sample is a newsletter discovery service, aka they send subscribers a different newsletter each day. They’ve generated 10,000 new subscriptions for other newsletters.
Your Opt In Challenge this week is easy: consider submitting your newsletter to The Sample here.
There’s wisdom in learning from people who have gone before you. This week, your Opt In Challenge is to watch (at least) one of these videos Josh Spector of For the Interested tells creators to watch.
Short on time? He includes timestamps of the most valuable minute of each video.
Become An Entrepreneurial Journalism Creator
This week, your Opt In Challenge is simple: check out this online program from Newmark’s journalism school. It could be a springboard for new ideas (newsletter and otherwise).
Check Out These Content Marketing Mistakes
This article by Syed Balkhi rounds up 5 content marketing mistakes you might be making.
Your Opt In Challenge this week is to read through these common pitfalls through the lens of a newsletter creator. Each one can be applied specifically to your newsletter (in addition to your overall strategy). I’d put less stock in the lead magnet and pop-up suggestions, but most of it can be used to audit your approach and tease out a few ways to improve your newsletter.
Note: For me, it’s refreshed my determination to understand my target audience. So... reply and let me know if Opt In Weekly is helping you (or feeling like a waste of time). I value your feedback. The good, bad, and the ugly.
Your first Opt In Challenge of 2022 is simple: subscribe to a new newsletter and let it inspire you. Here are 6 good options to get you started.
10 Deliverability Strategies To Try
This week’s Opt In Challenge is to consider the solid deliverability suggestions in this Netcore article by Jennifer Nespola Lantz.
“Deliverability is all about being a good steward to your customers.”
Re-Evaluate Your Re-Engagement Strategy
No shocker that we are still trying to figure out “open rates” in the midst of MPP. However, this week’s Opt In Challenge is to read this Email Design article by Jen Capstraw and finesse your re-engagement strategy.
Discovered via Really Good Emails.
Survive The Holidays With These Deliverability Tips
No matter your feelings on Christmas content before Thanksgiving, we can all agree that we want our emails to actually reach the inbox. This week, put (at least) 1 of these 8 deliverability tips from Jennifer Nespola Lantz’s Kickbox article to the test.
Discovered via Really Good Emails.