Don’t Make These 10 Copywriting Mistakes
Have you ever read copy that just makes you cringe? Me too. Miranda Miller has put together a list of 10 copywriting mistakes to avoid so you aren’t cringy, too!
Discovered via theCLIKK.
In A Writing Rut? Try One Of These Formulas
Kevan Lee put together a list of 27 copywriting formulas that work. A few I’ve used include:
Related: Dickie Bush tweeted how to quickly (think, in less than 10 minutes) edit your writing in 3 steps.
Both discovered via Marketer Crew.
Are You Making These Common Copy Mistakes?
In this 14-minute YouTube video, the Kopywriting Kourse identifies 9 common copy mistakes, like using too many buzzwords and overthinking style/format, and offers quick fixes.
Discovered via GrowthMarketer.
If You Hate Self-Promotion, Check Out These 5 Marketing Strategies
Self-promotion can be challenging and awkward, but Hugh O. Smith is sharing 5 marketing strategies to make it easier.
Discovered via The Write Life.
Want to make your company style guide available in Slack or Teams? A recommendation for Stylebot showed up in my LinkedIn feed and it looks pretty interesting.
Discovered via Alexis Grant.
Jonathan Crossfield reminds us that the writing process rarely produces great results if we rush it in this piece for CMI.
Discovered via theCLIKK.
What does it take to write well? Steven Pinker offers 13 easy-to-follow tips in this Inc. article. You might need to create a free account to read it.
Related: In a separate Inc. article, Jessica Stillman offers 5 commandments of great business writing (hint: it’s not just about style).
Both discovered via theCLIKK.
Newsletter Advice For Independent Authors
“A focused author newsletter will help you turn your readers into loyal fans.”
Hannah Lee Kidder shares what to include in an author newsletter here.
Discovered via The Write Life.
Engage Social Media Users With These 10 Tips
In the world of mindless scrolling on social media, writing actually engaging content can be a challenge. Lesley Vos offers 10 helpful tips in this CMI article.
Discovered via theCLIKK.
6 Tips To Implement Before Writer’s Block Hits
What do you do when writer’s block hits? Tim Metz offers 6 tips designed to help, including this: “Store articles you need to read for your writing in a read-it-later app.” Sounds like curation 😉.
Discovered via Raisin Bread.