
Do you ever think about your newsletter in context of the volume of interactions your subscribers process in a given day or week?

How many emails does your reader receive in the same hour yours arrives?

How many Slack messages?

How many texts?

Or Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok alerts?

Our lives have become a barrage of little red circles—sometimes ovals when my unopened email count hits triple digits!—we chase around the screens we sit in front of and carry.

All of them beg for our attention and are prioritized according to hierarchy.

And it’s no wonder the email inbox is difficult to win.

So many senders abuse it, teaching us to expect content we don’t want and sometimes didn’t ask for.

In The Subversive Genius of Extremely Slow Email, Ian Bogost examines the idea of slowing down, and the potential of technology to help us recapture a less alert-driven existence.

“Our suffering arises, in part, from the speed and volume of our social interactions online.”

Reading his piece made me think about Wordle, a lovely word puzzle my co-workers have been playing daily. We share our scores in a Slack channel.

My CEO JD Graffam captured its refreshing qualities one day:

“Wordle is not an addictive or abusive game, like most games, and I love it. No red badges, no endless play, no notifications, no ads, presumably minimal tracking (it does have google tag manager). I love it, but I do wonder why it’s worth the maker’s time to maintain. Surely all the scaling has come with a cost and significant investment in time.”

And while we could dig into the business bits, what I’d like you, newsletter creator, to ponder is what it would mean for your newsletter to be like Wordle.

It does several things at once.

It provides a reason to focus.

It rewards critical thinking.

It connects you with the people with whom you share your scores.

It builds a relationship at a healthy cadence.

It delivers a gratifying (or frustrating) experience, but does not ask for more.

I go to it. It doesn’t nag me.

All goals we might seek to achieve as we land in the inboxes of the endlessly notified recipients who might enjoy slowing down to learn and then share what you’ve taught them.

Ashley Guttuso  

Newsletter Tips




The Publishing World Is Getting Creative. Are You?

The Metaverse. NFTs. Emerging subscription models. All of these (and more) seem to be part of today’s publishing world. But will they last? Are these avenues profitable? Should you jump on board? This week’s publishing insights take a look.


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How To Build An Entire Newsletter Issue By Just Collecting Links

Hey everyone, Seth from Curated Success here. With Curated’s link collecting tools like the bookmarklet and the Chrome Extension, you can easily collect links to your publication. But did you know you can save text with a collected link by highlighting it?

With this function, you can fully build an issue of your Curated newsletter that includes links with direct quotes. Here’s how:

1. Install the Curated Chrome Extension or bookmarklet

To save highlighted text with a collected link, you’ll need to use either the Chrome extension or the bookmarklet. Both can be installed in just a few clicks and each allows you to quickly save a link to one of your Curated newsletters.

2. Highlight text in a link you want to collect

Once you find a link you want to include in your next issue, highlight text from it that captures why your reader should be interested in that link.

This could be a paragraph that summarizes the content, or it could be a really powerful statement you think will draw attention. Choose whatever you think will resonate with your readers most.

3. Collect the link and use markdown to format the text as a quote

Using either the Chrome extension or the bookmarklet, collect the link while the text you want to save is still highlighted. In the window that opens, scroll down to the Body. Here you should see the text from the link you highlighted.

Use this markdown to format the text as a quote from the article:


This shows your reader that it’s a quote from the article, not your personal commentary. As always, you could add your own commentary as you collect or later, if desired.

4. Finish collecting the link

Make sure the Title and URL look good, assign the link to a category, and keep or toss the collected social share image if you’d like (and choose the aspect ratio), then save the link to your publication.

5. Repeat then publish

Repeat this process until you’ve collected enough links for your next issue. When you go back to Curated, import the saved articles using the Import All button on the draft issue page. Be sure to set a subject line and preview text for this issue, then test, schedule, or publish right away.

This workflow allows you to quickly create a curated issue that provides value to your readers without taking a huge chunk of your time.

Have questions about this? Let me know at support [at]


ICYMI: You can always check our Curated Public Product Roadmap to catch up on recent releases and find out what’s up next.

Don’t want to click through? Our recent bigger releases include Paid Subscriptions (0% commission!) and a Free Tier.

Ashley @ Opt In Weekly  

Opt In ChallengeOpt In Challenge

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Let me know. Reply, email me at Ashley[at], or find me on LinkedIn to hit me with some feedback. I’d love to know what you think.

Happy newslettering,

Ashley Guttuso